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A member registered Nov 01, 2017

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Thank you for the reply.

I have since managed to kill a shark...but know I see that I need to allow some down time for my survivors.

Thank you

(1 edit)

Enjoying the game very much, thank you.

I have read that generating babies is to do with having enough food. 

However, despite having plenty of food, no additional survivors are spawned. Am I doing something wrong?

Then as the raft expands, the workload become too great for just two survivors. I see that you have recognised that being circled by 20 sharks and having too much moss growing can be an issue. (I guess surviving isn't supposed to be easy!)

My next question is, if bone only comes from survivors. It's a fine line to let one die to collect their bones...and then quickly make enough food to prevent anyone else dying...let alone keep the male/female balance.

I look forward to the next version!